by Funmi Ajayi-Obe in Water Posted on 29/01/2021 19:35
Have you ever wondered what the correlation is between water and your body weight? How important is drinking of water in your quest to lose weight? Water is an essential drink in everyday life and a great tool for those who are dieting.
Research has demonstrated that increased water consumption is an effective weight loss strategy. Drinking water before each meal has been shown to promote weight loss.
Some of the pointers to the importance of drinking water, especially when dieting are:
Water boosts the body's metabolic rate and help to feel more energetic. Water can help your metabolism burn calories 3% faster. Since metabolism plays a big role in losing weight, it is important to give your body what it needs in order for it to work the way you want.
Well-hydrated body helps your muscles and organs to work quickly and efficiently. Water maintains muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness when exercising.
Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume; a reduction in blood volume causes a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles; and a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles can make you feel tired.
A healthy (weight loss) diet includes a good amount of fibre which aids digestion of food. Without adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.
Drinking water 15 minutes before a meal, and also with a meal may make you feel full sooner and therefore satisfied eating less. Note, however, that drinking water alone may not have this effect. In order to feel satiated (not hungry), our bodies need bulk, calories and nutrients.
I am sure the next question would be 'How much Water should I drink?'. The amount of water your body needs depends on your weight, level of activity, the temperature and humidity of your environment, and your diet. Your diet makes a difference because if you eat plenty of water-dense foods like fruits and vegetables your need to drink water will be diminished.
Engage in a self study to know the amount of water your body needs under normal circumstances. The colour of your urine will serve as the indicator; it will be pale yellow consistently when you have had enough to drink (excluding drugs and vitamin supplements that discolour the urine). Don't forget that this amount of water will vary with the factors mentioned earlier.
Drinking other liquids also provides your body with a source of water, but note that diuretics cause your body to expel water. Diuretics include caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea and soda) and alcohol. When drinking diuretics, drink more water to compensate. Also, drinking water along with alcohol as well as before and afterward may eliminate a hangover headache and feeling of tiredness. The water is optional; driving is not.
When you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Try to avoid this situation by drinking in advance. Be especially careful when participating in activities where you won't be able to stop to get caught up.
It is recommended you start your day with a couple of glasses of water to rehydrate your body.
I’m Funmi Ajayi-Obe, thanks for stopping by .
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I am the founder and CEO of The Exclusive You Nutrition and Lifestyle Improvement Programme, which was founded to address the gap in weight management programmes providing nutrition and lifestyle improvement education that can help overweight or obese individuals make informed decision about their health and wellness using their own diet.
Having being previously obese (lost over 25kg) and also being a black person, I understand the attitudes of black people towards weight management which was further brought to light when I wrote my dissertation about the topic for my master’s degree. This is why I organised the programme to specifically target the black community who are one of the ethnic groups with the highest prevalence of obesity and its associated diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.
I love working with busy professional and entrepreneurial women who wants to lose weight using structured methods that can fit into their tight busy schedule.
I have helped hundreds of clients over the past 10 years achieve weight loss goals with zero restrictions to food types or native meals, zero miracle juice and zero meal replacements and they have ended up with improved health, renewed confidence, mood boosts and increased energy levels by making healthier food and lifestyle choices.
I am a married mother with 3 children and started my career as an accountant with over 25 years industry experience, holds a Master’s degree in Management studies and a Nutrition diploma.
When I’m not working, I love to dance and listen to music.
Your health is your priority. NO one can make you healthy but you.
I look forward to helping you with your nutrition and weight issues